Thursday, April 30, 2009

Special Delivery! The Baby Chicks Have Arrived

Our new baby chicks have arrived - delivered right through the USPS! I got an early morning call that the chicks were at the post office waiting to be picked up. Here's a picture of the box before I opened them up:

Cute fuzzy babies, all 25 of them.

We ordered 10 Buff Orpingtons, 10 Barred Rocks (black chicks) and 5 New Hampshire Reds. It's been a few years since we've had chickens, so we are uber excited!

I will post pics as they grow - they grow very quickly, and before you know it, we'll have lovely brown eggs to enjoy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wild Weekend Weather - Yikes!

The ongoing joke here in Michigan is if you are tired of the weather, just give it a minute . . .

Saturday was no exception with clear sunny skies and warm temperatures, until the afternoon thunderstorms hit. We had winds of up to 70 miles an hour! I know that's nothing compared to a tornado, but I am always afraid of the high winds. We have so many older trees on our place and surrounding our house. We had only 1 casualty, this 45 foot tall pine. Thankfully it fell in an open area away from Steve's shop.

Amazingly we didn't lose power - at least not until Sunday evening around 5:30 pm. We had some thunderstorms on Sunday, but nothing like those of the previous day. Seems strange to me that the power went out, but happily it was back up by 11:30 pm.

Steve managed to get quite a bit cleaned up on Sunday.

Today is a very blustery day out, with high temps in the mid 80's. More thunderstorms are predicted overnight and temperatures tomorrow will be - hold on give it a minute - in the 50's!
Yikes! There's nothing like Michigan weather to keep you in suspense ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Amigurumi Chickens of Red Berry Farm

Meet the chickens of Red Berry Farm!

Red Rooster has a colorful tail that he likes to flash around the barn yard, and Berry Hen with her gorgeous red comb is the apple of his eye. Baby EggB is a little shy and hasn't decided if he's ready to come completely come out his shell, but he's on his feet and testing the world.

These cute chicken patterns are an easy project for those familiar with working in rounds, and require medium weight yarns and sizes G and H crochet hooks.
Finished sizes of completed chickens will be:
Red Rooster: 5 inches tall including comb, 3 1/2 inches wide
Berry Hen: 4 inches tall including comb, 3 1/4 inches wide
Baby EggB: 2 3/4 inches tall, 2 inches wide

I really enjoyed making these chickens, they are so much fun! It was my first experience creating amigurumi (Japanese word which loosely translated means crocheted small stuffed doll), and I hope to explore the world of amigurumi much more. Enjoy!