Some exciting news this week! I’ve been featured in an Etsy Storque article!
Etsy Pets in Vogue: Getting The Right Shot
That’s my cat B.C. proudly displaying his toys in the main photo and in the photo at right. Last week cbarjcrafts contacted me regarding my photos and asked me if I'd like to participate. Of course I was happy to! She asked me several questions and here are my answers.
What type of set up do you use to photograph your 'pet model(s)'?
I use natural light to photograph my pets, which also works best for my crochet items. Flash photos are too harsh and I don’t like the reflections in the eyes. For indoor shots I also use a tripod and I set my camera timer. Using the timer gives me a few seconds to attract their attention by snapping my fingers or waving a toy above the camera.
Do you have any tips for others who would like to use their pets as product models?
Make it fast :) Take as many photos as you can in a short amount of time. B.C. was resting comfortably on the couch and I just put a white sheet underneath him and started shooting. Take photos when they are relaxed, and don’t fuss too much and get them excited. Keep your voice low and calm. Save the treats until the session is over. And don’t forget lots of praise!

B.C. (aka Barn Cat, aka Bubba Chubs) and Daphne my Yorkie.
I really enjoy taking photos of my pets and I love to include them in my shop listings. B.C. has gotten lots of compliments and many buyers have sent photos to him of their pets playing with their new toys. Hmmm, maybe B.C. should have his own blog . . .
Please also visit cbarjcrafts (Christy's Critters) shop to find adorable polymer clay creations. And thank you Christy for including me in your terrific article! Happy Pet Week!